Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Google docs

I didn't know such a thing existed. I could have used while I was in grad school. I can certainly use to work on documents when I need to access them at different locations.

Learn and Play wiki

Maybe this will count since I got to the point where I could add my blog to Favorite Blogs, but I don't have to time to wait for access permission.


I love the idea of customers using wikis to review books, etc. Librarians using wikis as subject guides: even if the wikis aren't open to the general public, but only to the library community, what a way to save us from having to reinvent the wheel.

Library 2.0

I agree that as a profession, librarians need to change with the times. Learn and Play has certainly pushed me in a new direction. It will take time for me to feel comfortable with all of this, but I'm on my way.


This is certainly a convenient way to organize and maintain my favorite websites.

Monday, December 1, 2008


I tried to figure out Twitter, but I'm afraid I'm missing some key info. Not sure to become a follower. I was able to find learnandplay and read some Tweets, but I don't know how to add my own Tweet.